With the slogan, “Bhāsaye jotaye dhammaṃ – Expound and Enlighten with Dhamma” Sitagu Buddhist students will understand Sīla, Samādhi, and Paññā, the essence of Buddha’s Doctrine and will abide the same. Furthermore, they will give guidance to solve the obstacle of people’s daily life with noble practices of Mettā, Karuṇā, etc. They will also contribute the guidance for the liberation as the freedom from the worldly state.
We value “Sīla, Samādhi, Pañña” – the essence of Buddha’s teachings in translating our missions on the ground that Dhamma and Vinaya is our power, Service to the world is our opportunity.
This University will train the monks and nuns for the Buddhist Missionary in the various places of the world to spread the Dhamma, to be the good leaders for the welfares of religious, social and peaceful life in each own countrysides. All students must do fulfill above-mentioned abilities by learning, by doing research, by doing for the welfares of others in both practically and theoretically. Our students will be compassionate leaders with moral integrity, high spirituality, and wisdom. They will render service to society in day-to-day life and Saṃsāra.
- Implement a vibrant and modern curriculum that meets the need for an evolving global context.
- Support students interested in academic research in Buddhism and international language acquisition.
- Create and provide quality learning and research environment for students and faculty.
- Advance faculty excellence in teaching, and research.
- Strengthen the emphasis on regions of Sagaing Hills, Mingun, Min Wun in the study of ancient Buddhist art and culture.
- Share and disseminate the Buddha’s message of compassion and loving-kindness to the society at home and abroad.
- Encourage peaceful-coexistence of world citizens.
Student’s Learning Outcomes
- A high-level understanding of the historical development of Buddhism through Tipiṭaka Texts, world religions, its doctrinal foundation.
- A clear understanding of Buddhism from diverse perspectives of ethics, philosophy, psychology, history, socio-religious custom and culture;
- An ability to define and articulate the teachings of the Buddha and its applications suitable to the present conditions.
- An ability to find and use books, journals and other primary and commentary sources of information relevant to the matters at hand;
- An ability to explore and analyse some of the important issues, debates and applications critical for the study of Theravada Texts, Buddhist art and culture
- General skills in writing, critical thinking and argument for the development of the academic study of Buddhism and world religions.
- Service and missionary with high moral and intellectual understanding and sensitivity to the contemporary socio-religious custom and culture
Teaching Program
- Diploma in Buddhadhamma
- BA Buddhism
- MA Buddhism
- PhD Buddhism