SBAM Research Grant (2019-20)

သီတဂူဗုဒ္ဓတက္ကသိုလ် မန္တလေး

၂၀၁၉-၂၀ ပညာသင်နှစ် (ဒုတိယပိုင်း)

သမိုင်းတံခွန် Research Grant ချီးမြှင့်ခြင်း

SBAM Scholarship (20-21 1st Term)

သီတဂူဗုဒ္ဓတက္ကသိုလ် မန္တလေး

၂၀၂၀-၂၁ ပညာသင်နှစ် ပထမပိုင်း

ပညာတော်သင်ဆု ဂုဏ်ပြုချီးမြှင့်ခြင်း

(၁) အမ်အေတန်း ပညာတော်သင်ဆု ဂုဏ်ပြုချီးမြှင့်ခြင်း

MA 3rd Semester (2020-21 1st Term)

MA 1st Semester (2020-21 1st Term)

(၂) ဘီအေတန်း ပညာတော်သင်ဆု ဂုဏ်ပြုချီးမြှင့်ခြင်း

BA 5th Semester (2020-21 1st Term)

BA 3rd Semester (2020-21 1st Term)

BA 1st Semester (2020-21 1st Term)

(၃) ဒီပလိုမာတန်း ပညာတော်သင်ဆု ဂုဏ်ပြုချီးမြှင့်ခြင်း

Diploma 3rd Semester (2020-21 1st Term)

Diploma 3rd Semester (2020-21 1st Term)


နေ့ရက်။ ၁၂/၈/၂၀၂၀ (ဗုဒ္ဓဟူးနေ့)
အချိန်။ မွန်းလွဲ ၁:၀၀ နာရီ
နေရာ။ သီတဂူတော်ဝင်စည်းဝေးခန်းမ

သီတဂူဗုဒ္ဓတက္ကသိုလ် မန္တလေး သုတေသနနှင့် ဖွံ့ဖြိုးရေး ရန်ပုံငွေဖြင့် ပံ့ပိုးဆောင်ရွက်သည်။

SBAM Academic Excellence Award

သီတဂူဗုဒ္ဓတက္ကသိုလ် မန္တလေး

(၁) ပထမအထူးဆု ဂုဏ်ပြုချီးမြှင့်ခြင်း

မသုဓမ္မ၀တီ (BA Semester (၆)ဆင့်လုံး ပထမ)
ဂုဏ်ပြုလက်မှတ်နှင့် Acer Aspire i5 (10th Gen) Laptopတစ်လုံး

(၂) ပထမအထူးဆု ဂုဏ်ပြုချီးမြှင့်ခြင်း

အရှင်သုန္ဒရာလင်္ကာရ (Diploma Semester (၄)ဆင့်လုံး ပထမ)
ဂုဏ်ပြုလက်မှတ်နှင့် Acer Aspire i3 (10th Gen) Laptopတစ်လုံး


နေ့ရက်။ ၁၂/၈/၂၀၂၀ (ဗုဒ္ဓဟူးနေ့)
အချိန်။ မွန်းလွဲ ၁:၀၀ နာရီ
နေရာ။ သီတဂူတော်ဝင်စည်းဝေးခန်းမ

သီတဂူဗုဒ္ဓတက္ကသိုလ် မန္တလေး သုတေသနနှင့် ဖွံ့ဖြိုးရေး ရန်ပုံငွေဖြင့် ပံ့ပိုးဆောင်ရွက်သည်။

SBAM 20-21 1st Term Campus Assembly

သီတဂူဗုဒ္ဓတက္ကသိုလ် မန္တလေး
၂၀၂၀-၂၁ပညာသင်နှစ် (ပထမပိုင်း)


နေ့ရက်။ ၁၂/၈/၂၀၂၀ (ဗုဒ္ဓဟူးနေ့)
အချိန်။ မွန်းလွဲ ၁:၀၀ နာရီ
နေရာ။ သီတဂူတော်ဝင်စည်းဝေးခန်းမ

SBAM 1st Annual Seminar 2019 Papers

Sitagu Buddhist Academy Mandalay
1st Annual Seminar 2019
Research Papers

NoNamePaper Title
1Ashin Paṇḍavaṃsa
SBAM – 00298
The Affiliation of Abbot Training Schools towards Village Abbots and Monastic Education
2Ashin Obhāsa
SBAM – 00167
Waning Age (Kaliyuga) and Its Influence over decline in Education
3Ashin Nisanātha
SBAM – 00180
Monk & Social Welfare Work
4Ashin Janinda
SBAM – 00002
The Way to Reduce Corruption: Buddhist Perspective
5Ashin Ariya
SBAM – 00005
Buddhist Perspective on Air Pollution
6Ashin Candobhāsa SBAM – 00061Today Myanmar Young Men and the Mental Personality of Obedience (Sovasassata)
7Ashin Revata
SBAM – 00213
Buddha’s Teaching of Question and Example for Advancement of children’s Knowledge
8Ashin Indāvudha
SBAM – 00024
Buddha’s Instruction for the Acquisition of Wealth
9Ashin Janaka
SBAM – 00007
A Study of the Way to Overcome Conceit (Māna) on ordinary person
10Ashin Indavaṃsa
SBAM – 00463
Historical Study of Candamuni Marble slabs of Aṭṭhakathā and Ṭikā in Mandalay
11Ashin Janinda
SBAM – 00076
An Important Role of Environment for Man’s Happiness and Suffering
12Ashin Candimā
SBAM – 00178
Monks’ Opinion on the Current Pathamapyan Pariyatti Education in Myanmar
13Ashin Vindaka
SBAM – 00297
Pariyatti Education and Monks’ Attitude
14Ma Esiṅgī
SBAM – 00196
The Nun Society and its Social Work in Myanmar
15Ashin Nandācāra
SBAM – 00063
The Value of Mettā (Loving-kindness) and Its Impact on Multicultural Society
16Ma Anjananyani
SBAM – 00117
Survey on Myanmar Buddhist Nuns’ Attitude towards Piṭaka Library in Mandalay
17Ashin Vilāsagga
SBAM – 00464
The Comparative Study of Mandalay Sāsanā Laṅkāra Examination and Pathamapyan Examinations
18Ashin Jāneyya
SBAM – 00223
Buddhist Ethical Approach to Environmental Conservation
19Ma Paññāsingī
SBAM – 00230
People’s Current Views on Bāla: A Buddhist Perspective
20Ashin Sucitta
SBAM – 00018
Hate speech and Social Media
21Ma Ñāṇavati
SBAM – 00116
A Socio-Ethical Perspective on Root Causes of Violence Against Women
Sitagu Buddhist Academy Mandalay Ⓒ 2020

*** Research Papers are available at SBAM Online Research Database.

SBAM MA 2017-19 Dissertation Titles

Sitagu Buddhist Academy Mandalay
MA Research 2017-19
Dissertation Titles

NoNameDissertation Title
1Ashin Paṇḍavaṃsa
SBAM – 00298
Abbot Training School and Needs of Qualified Abbots in Villages: Case study in Bamauk Township
2Ashin Obhāsa
SBAM – 00167
Concept of Waning Age (Kaliyuga) in student community and its impact: a case study in Buddhist Universities, Mandalay
3Ashin Nisanātha SBAM – 00180An Assessment of Social Prospective: Vinaya approaches to Kuladūsana
4Ashin Janinda
SBAM – 00002
Eradication of Agatis for new generation: A Buddhist Ethical Study
5Ashin Ariya
SBAM – 00005
A study of environmental protection with observation of Vinaya rules
6Ashin Candobhāsa SBAM – 00061A study of Myanmar Youths’ Attitude towards the Personality of Obedience through Buddhist Perspective
7Ashin Revata
SBAM – 00213
An educational inquiry of Buddha’s Teaching Methods for Young Generation in Myanmar
8Ashin Indāvudha SBAM – 00024Buddhist Ethical Perspective on Economic Downfall and Development in Myanmar
9Ashin Janaka
SBAM – 00007
A study of the impact of Māna on Human Society with special reference to Mānathattha Sutta
10Ashin Indavaṃsa SBAM – 00463A historical study of Candamuni marble slabs of Atthakatha and Tika in Mandalay
11Ashin Janinda
SBAM – 00076
Socio-Psychological Study of Happiness as reflected on Sukhavagga of Dhammapada
12Ashin Candimā
SBAM – 00178
A critical study of Conflict between Traditional and Modern Buddhist Education in Mandalay
13Ashin Vindaka
SBAM – 00297
Impact of Buddhist learning methods on Pariyatti Education with special reference to Alagaddūpama Sutta: A case study
14Ma Esiṅgī
SBAM – 00196
The sociological study of the role of Buddhist nuns and their social work in Myanmar
15Ashin Nandācāra
SBAM – 00063
Metta as a value of Multi-Cultural Society: Buddhist Ethical Study
16Ma Kesārī
SBAM – 00189
Significance of Saddhā in Pariyatti Education: An Ethical Analysis
17Ma Anjanañāṇi SBA M – 00117Myanmar Buddhist Nuns’ Attitude towards Pitaka Library-based Education:  A Case Study in Mandalay
18Ashin Vilāsagga
SBAM – 00464
Impact of Mandalay Sasana Lankara examination on the current Buddhist Education System: An Analytical Study
19Ashin Jāneyya
SBAM – 00223
Buddhist Attitude towards Deforestation
20Ma Paññāsiṅgī
SBAM – 00230
An Analytical Study of the nature of “Bāla” as reflected on Balavagga in Dhammapada
21Ashin Sucitta
SBAM – 00018
Critical study of “Hate Speech” in the advent of Social Media  through the Buddhist Perspective
22Ma Ñāṇavatī
SBAM – 00116
Root cause of violence against women in contemporary Myanmar: A Socio-Ethical Perspective
Sitagu Buddhist Academy Mandalay Ⓒ 2020

*** More Reference @ Sitagu Buddhist Academy Library Mandalay Online Catalog.